A February membership meeting was called to order @ 7:00 p.m. by Vice Commodore Jim Gribben.
Bill Fortman asked that the secretary to read the 01/10/13 Newsletter. It was read, and Barbara Vriale made a motion to approve, seconded by Bill Fortman and carried. The Board minutes, {02/04/13} was read and Barbara Vriale made a motion to approve, seconded by Bud Whitcomb and carried.
Financial Secretary – Barbara Vriale reported the deposits for the month of January, {$9,217.25} All bills for duty day, dock hours and winter storage for 2012 have been paid up in full. Associate membership dues totaled $4,900.00 dollars, and total received to date, $3,850.00 dollars, with a balance of $1,050.00 dollars due. Late notices were sent out on 01/05/2013 with a ten dollar penalty and postage fees. Regular membership dues totaled $5,900.00 dollars, and total received to date, $5,450.00 dollars, with a balance of $450.00 dollars due. Late notices were sent out 01/05/2013 with a ten percent penalty and postage fees. Dock dues went out on 02/ 01/2013, totaling $14,670.00 dollars and are due by March 1st, 2013. A motion by Joy Zanchelli to approve the Financial Secretary`s report was seconded by Bud Whitcomb.
Robert Hoffman sent a letter to the membership, explaining that he has had triple bypass surgery on January 24th, and will need aneurism surgery also at a later date, and will be laid up for most of the summer. After discussion at the board meeting {02/04/13}, members of the board agreed to work his dock time this season.
Treasurer-A detailed financial report prepared by Clark Henderson was reviewed and approved with a motion by Barbara Vriale , seconded by Joy Zanchelli . The Fillet Minion Dinner brought in $1,116.00 dollars, will be on next month`s report.
Dock master- Bud Whitcomb thanked the club members for giving him the opportunity to be dock master and will be making a material list for repairing the docks. He would like to see if we can make some better railings for the ramps and a Loft for the storage shed. Bud also reported MOVE UP DAY WILL BE ON MARCH 9th, 2013 AT TWELVE NOON. Bud will be contacting members when it is time to start working on the docks.
Vice Commodore- Jim Gribben thanked Tony and Vicky Perzanowski for putting on the Filet Minion Dinner, which brought in $600.00 dollars for the bar. Jim thanked Wayne Nelson for getting Carl Foster to do the floors in the clubhouse. It took two days work and they look beautiful. He thanked Gary Vanucchi, for taking all the chairs and tables out of clubhouse, Joe Vriale, for bringing Carl and the machine down to the clubhouse and back down to help and Bill Fortman for watching Carl. The men`s room will be done by a associate member candidate, putting the sink with vanity and toilet in and will be getting a pump-out for his boat. Clark Henderson is donating a new toilet for the men`s bathroom.
Commodore- at the 01/04/13 Board meeting, Commodore Gary Vanucchi thanked Tony and Vicky Perzanowski for putting on the Filet Minion Dinner. The food was excellent and everyone had a great time.
Joe and Barbara Vriale will be having a St. Patrick`s Day Buffet For Members, Associate Members, Family and Friends on Saturday, March 16th, 2013.Appetizers at 5:00 p.m., Buffet at 7:00 p.m. , Menu includes: Corned Beef, Boiled Potatoes, Cabbage, Irish Soda Bread/ Rye Bread, Dessert and coffee Service At 8:30 p.m., Party Until??? Traditional Irish music, Irish drink specials, and 50/50 Raffle, $17.00 dollars per person. Please R.S.V.P. Joe and Barbara @ 518-622-2808 by MARCH 8th, 2013, {Non- Refundable after March 8, 2013} ALL R.S.V.P. `S ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT. GUESTS WITHOUT RESERVATIONS WILL BE SERVED IF THERE IS FOOD AVAILABLE. {See flier} IF ANY MEMBER WOULD LIKE TO VOLENTEER TO COLLECT THE MONEY AT THE DOOR AND RAFFLE TICKET MONEY, {YOU WOULD RECEIVE A FREE DINNER}, CONTACT JOE.
At the Board meeting {02/04/13}, Joe Vriale asked the board if he could earmark the profits from the St. Patrick`s Day Buffet he is having to go towards the renovations for the men`s room, and if any leftover profits, he would like to get some type of stereo system with wireless speakers for the clubhouse. The Board agreed to this.
At the Board meeting {02/04/13}, after discussion about parties in the clubhouse, the Board agreed that if a member has a party and wants to earmark the profits for something in the clubhouse, it has to be approved by the board first, otherwise the profit goes into the general fund.
Committee Reports:
Bar- Jim Gribben thanked Clark and Dale Henderson for tending bar. The bar made $600.00 dollars.
Building Chairman- no report
Grounds Committee Chairman – no report
Gas Chairman- no report
Newsletter- If any member has any comments about the news letter, or anything to add to the newsletter, please come to the meeting and express your view, or you can reach me at 518-965-3034. To visit our website go to- www.catskillyachtclub.com or contact Vince Graham at 518- 291-92206 or e-mail him at vince@catskillyachtclub.com.
Council- no report
Dock Rental Chairman- no report
WAYS AND MEANS – Clark Henderson wrote up a 2013 CYC Proposed Budget and a CYC Budget vs. Actual which was reviewed and approved with a motion by Barbara Vriale, seconded by Joe Vriale and carried. Clark reported the Board is proposing an assessment of $100.00 dollars for single member and $150.00 dollars for a couple to build up our treasury in case of a special project, not going into the general fund, but into a separate account. After discussion Bill Fortman made a motion that we accept the Board`s Proposal and Lenore Whitcomb seconded and carried. This will be brought up to the general membership meeting, Thursday, March 7th, 2013 and voted on. Clark also reported that associate member, Lee Ramsdell will be making cabinets and a place to put copy machine and mail boxes, and couple of file drawers, as you come into the building from the street side entrance.
Old Business -After discussion about the petty-bone being scrapped, Lenore Whitcomb made a motion that if any member wants to make a offer to buy it, they can come forward in the next month, and by then Joe Vriale would come back to the board to let them know how much the petty-bone is worth more for, to scrap or sell. Joe Vriale seconded and carried.
Uwe Hestnar reported that from the dinners he and Barbara Walter put on last summer, they purchased a dock cart and some utensils for the kitchen. The members thanked Uwe and Barbara.
New Business- Bill Fortman made a motion to open the floor up for associate membership. Clark Henderson seconded and carried. Bill Fortman was representative for Edward Forshaw, he lives in Florida and is not coming back, he wants to be taken off the list. Barbara asked for a letter from Ed stating as such.
After discussion on the Chairmen Committees, doing a quarterly evaluation, Time Keeper chairman, Bill Fortman brought up to the Board that all committees with their duties have to be written up and brought up to the membership for a vote first. After Vice Commodore Jim Gribben explained what the evaluation would consist of and Lenore Whitcomb explained what her place of business does for job description/ evaluation, signing off on it, Vince Wallace found it written in the By- Laws , paragraph four, number three. The Committees are appointed by the Commodore, and are brought up to and voted on by the regular membership. This will be discussed further at the next board meeting and be brought up to the general membership for a vote.
Ray McNeany will donate a indicator light to put in the window, in case the heat goes off in the clubhouse.
A motion by Vincent Wallace to adjourn the meeting @ 8:15 p.m. was seconded by Barbara Vriale.