Newsletter 5-3-2014

A May  membership meeting was called to order @ 7:00 p.m. by Commodore Gary Vanucchi.

Michael August Grupe was introduced by his sponsors Jean and John Smith .All the rules were gone over to him  for associate membership. After discussion ,at the regular membership meeting , Joe Vriale made  the motion to accept Michael August Grupe  for associate membership. Barbara Vriale seconded and carried.  

The floor was opened up to bring in Jason Borgen for full membership. Jason Borgen was brought in for full membership. Barbara Vriale made a motion to bring in Jason Borgen for full Membership. Joe Vriale seconded and carried.

A motion by Barbara Vriale to waive the reading of the previous meeting was seconded by Ken Kligerman and carried. The Board minutes were read and approved by Barbara Vriale, seconded by    C lark Henderson and carried.

Financial Secretary – Barbara Vriale reported the deposits for the month of April, {$2,718.84}. Barbara is still handing out the By-Laws. Please sign your name when you take one. The 2010 book has been scanned and on scan disc is in the safe  and one has been given to the secretary.   

Yan Eric Dalland will be given back his $75.00  deposit check for club rental. Barbara Varile wrote down some dates for the calendar and they are for Saturday night dinners at the club and covered dish dinners also at the club. She will give them to Vince so he can update them to the calendar. Joy Zanchelli made a motion to accept Barbara Vriale`s report, Ken Kligerman seconded and carried.

Treasurer Clark Henderson- went over a detailed financial report and  also he after discussion Clark Henderson`s report, He also has Boat US and if anyone would like to join they would need to write down the group id number.  Barbara Vriale made a motion to accept Clark`s financial report,  Joy Zanchelli seconded and carried.

Vice Commodore Jim Gribben reported that for the covered dish party the club had here  Friday night there was about 10 people behind the bar through   the course of the night. The bar was $90.00 dollars short. he could not find the mistake on the register tape. Jim proposed two separate motions which will be posted and voted on at next general membership meeting. Joe Vriale made this motion and to bring it up on a vote to general membership meeting. Please read Proposals and to be voted on at next general membership meeting.

Dock master-  Bud Whitcomb there will be dock work this weekend start at 8:00 am.  Bud Whitcomb thanked everyone that helped with the docks, especially Gary Vanucchi, Lenny Asaro and Vince Wallace while Bud was away on vacation. Bud talked with  John Decker  and where the electric comes over the cables, the eye beams are rotting away and John Decker is going to get some channel iron, build like a little horse there so that when the docks go up and down it would make a good thing there and he will go to the junk yard to get some eye beams . Joy  Zanchelli brought a barrel marked waste oil for the oil  they will be putting in it. Tony Perzanowski said Bill Fortman told him the man from Macco has a  kit to seal the barrels up or Tony said you can purchase the barrels for $117.00 a piece.  It would be $750.00 dollars for five barrels that would eliminate left of pressure. Vince Wallace reported the drill press does not work. Lenny Rein said he has one to donate. Bud will buy some cleats  for the docks and get someone to replace the handrails on them and stain some docks, possible John Ray because he was looking for hours,  Lenny Asaro reported the  water lines are in.  There is one leak on the left side because he did not use enough Teflon tape. He does not know how many lights are out until he comes down at night. One plug has to be replaced. All the electrical powers need to be shut off and he will do that this Saturday. He did get a hold of Tony Cardinal  to check out the electrical items that have to be addressed.

Committee Reports:

Bar- Jim Gribben   reported that from  May 04, 2014 to May 11, 2014 he will be on a cruise. He will stock the bar.  He has the copies of the Audit and ways and means. The duty days charts are up there , so please sign up for that.  Special thanks to Vince Wallace and Ed Legg for all there impute in this.     

Building Committee Chairman-  Vicky and Tony Perzanowski came into the clubhouse the other day and the floor smelled funky. Tony tried to clean it but it still smelled bad. Carl is coming this Saturday to wax the floor. Please use only clean water and make sure the mop is clean before you use it. Tony Perzanowski reported there is one large propane tank missing from the propane stove outside . If anyone has one to donate it would be appreciated.

Grounds Committee Chairman –George Pulver-  thanked Vince Wallace for getting some members to come and clean up the yard. George did  get the mower and weed whacker serviced and Clark said he can go to Lowes to charge some things, such as the yellow chain and other items needed. There was a problem with the lock on the door of the shed, so George got a new lock, programmable. The associate hour book for dock hour  book  will be put in the shed Thursday. Please have someone sign off for you and for regular members also. Thank you.

Gas Chairman-  Joe Vriale reported they purchased some new hoses. The gas pump will be hooked up this week end. We are still using John Ray and Sons for they have all the additives in there . Gas is going up high. Joe will call weights and measures if everything is good.

Lenny  Asaro reported  the sheet will be a pump out just put date and gallons pumped so we may get a check back from the state.

Lenore Whitcomb reported that Kathie Becker usually does he flowers for the Yacht club. and she will ask her if she would like to do them this year. Bud and Lenore thanked everyone who came to the Winter clove event. they will be donating the money back to the club.

Dock Rental Chairman- Joy Vanucchi is accepting  applications for dock rentals{ for fishing}  You can reach her at 1-845-249-7790 .  Rent by the month,  after the first month, it is  month it is first come first serve, after that it is by sonority. For April we had one dock rental and for May we had 3 people signed up. For June and July we have one or two.


Secretary Joy Zanchelli received a letter from Trenton, New Jersey Yacht Club to recrepicate to them but the board decided not to because they have oversized boats.

Newswsletter- If any member has any comments about the news letter, or anything to add to the newsletter, please come to the meeting and express your view, or you can reach me at 518-965-3034.   To visit our website go to-  or contact Vince Graham at 518-291-9220 or e-mail him at THANK YOU VINCE FOR UPDATING OUR WEBSITE.  FOR ANYONE THAT WOULD LIKE TO GO TO OUR WEBSITE- USERNAME-MEMBER/ PASSWORD-ANCHOR. There is now a little widget for the updated weather on the website.

Uwe may use the kitchen in the clubhouse, just tell him you are going to cook for yourself. Some people like to make hamburgers or hot dogs or chicken  You can also cook along with him.

Council- Bob LaBuff – no report.    


There will be a  Catered Chicken B.B.Q. for Tony Perzanowski and Lee Ramsdell`s , each  of them, Changing their new boat name.  ALL MEMBERS ARE INVITED. That should be about 4:00 p.m. and the dinner should be about 6:oo p.m.  The Band that will be playing is Brook land Bridge. the same one that Tony had for Commodore Vanucchi`s party up to Forlini`s.   PLEASE CHECK THE WEBSITE FOR UPDATES. CALL TONY at 622- 9777.


Joy Vanucchi is going  to rent the clubhouse on May 10th, 2014 for the Library Party, Covered Dish. Please contact Joy Vanucchi at  1-845-249-7790. Gary Vanucchi will be tending bar.


  1. COMMODORE- GARY VANUCCHI- 1-845-249-7795

  2. VICE COMMODORE- Jim Gribben- 518-622-2336

  3. DOCK MASTER- Edward Whitcomb- 518-622-8747

  4. ASSISTANT DOCK MASTERS- Vincent Wallace- 518-851-7263  OR  Leonard Asaro- 518-821-0857

  5. FINANCIAL SECRETARY- Barbara Vriale- 518-622-2808

  6. TREASURER- Clark Henderson- 914-388-1095

  7. SECRETARY- Joy Zanchelli- 518-537-5803

  8. BUILDING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN- Vicky Perzanowski- 518-622-9777

  9. GROUNDS COMMIITTEE CHAIRMAN- George Pulver- 518-929-4561-

  10. GAS CHAIRMAN- Joe Vriale- 518-622-2808

  11. BAR CHAIRMAN- Jim Gribben- 518-622-2336

  12. COUNCIL- Gary Vanucchi- 518-943-0840  OR  Robert LaBuff- 518-943-9552

13.DOCK RENTAL CHAIRMAN- Joy Vanucchi- 1-845-249-7790



Old Business- Voting on the size of the boat- 22 for and 5 against. Joe Vriale made a motion to vote on this and Barbara Vriale seconded and carried.



A motion by Ken Kligerman to adjourn the meeting @  8:10 p.m. was seconded by  Joe Vriale and carried.

Due to physical limitations at the CYC, any boat housed or wanting dockage must not be over 40 (forty) feet in length and not over 14 (fourteen) in width. Any new member or existing member with a forty foot long by 14 foot wide boat cannot have a permanent slip until they reach at least North 5 Finger and South. For any new or existing members, the maximum size of a boat that can be docked from the north 5 Finger and North is 28 foot long by 10 foot wide. The exception to this rule is a member who presently has a larger boat docked, should that member sell, trade or buy another boat, they may replace that boat with a boat of comparable size. The Catskill Yacht Club supplies a maximum 30 amp electric service to each outlet on the docks. The placing of boats will be at the discretion of the board and the Dock Master. This will be posted and voted on at the next regular membership meeting.


This was Voted on May 1, 2014. 22 for, 5 against.

The following will be posted and voted on at next meeting June 5, 2014:

Members are “Grandfathered” in and may dock their existing boat or a new boat of comparable size:

1. Bill Carr – Bean in excess of 14’

2. Bud Whitcomb – length 32

3. Lee Ramsdell – 30 foot length

4. Pete Baskieweicz – length and width

5. Russ Coloton – length

The Board agreed on April 6, 2014 that Lee Ramsdell should be grandfathered in for his 30 foot Sea Ray to dock at the club when he comes up for full probationary membership, because he rebuilt the clubhouse after the Irene storm. If there is a space to rent he may still rent while he is an associate member. This will be voted on at next meeting. The board recommends this to the membership.


Joe Vriale made the motion to post this and vote on it next general membership meeting June 5, 2014,  Deb Rasbach seconded, carried:

Catskill Yacht Club: Proposed changes to Rules of the Club for Associate Members

Current Rule: Associate members not permitted behind bar.

Change to:

A) Associate members with two (2) or more years as an associate in good standing are to be permitted behind the bar and the use of the cash register.

B) If an associate member tends bar at a function, the hours worked can be applied the 6 hours work required.

Add Rule # 19:

If a scheduled party sponsor is unable to recruit a bartender from membership or associate membership, a professional bartender shall be brought in and conferred “Associate Member for the Day” status for the duration of the function. This bartender will work for tips only.

Change to rule #12  ———Yes _____     No _____

Add rule # 19  —————–Yes _____     No _____