Newsletter 9-4-2014

Upcoming Events:

Commodore’s Ball:  September 27 Creekside Restaurant. Surf & Turf is on the menu. $32.00 per person, tax and tip included. RSVP by 9/10/14 to Jim at 622-2336 and make checks payable to Jim Gribben, POB 328, Round Top, NY 12473

Pot Luck Dinner:  September 19, 6:00pm    Sponsored by Rus & Pam Coloton. Enjoy a fun social dinner to wind up the boating season.

Mohawk Hudson Council has several upcoming events scheduled. Check their website at

Report of Membership Meeting September 4, 2014

Board members in attendance: Len Asaro, Jim Gribben, Dale Henderson, Tony Perzanowski, Len Rein, Barbara Vriale, Joe Vriale,

Vice Commodore Jim Gribben opened meeting 7:00pm with Pledge of Allegiance. Motion passed to waive reading minutes August meeting. Minutes of September 2 Board meeting were read and approved.

Financial Secretary Barbara Vriale reported August deposits $2334. List of Associate Member applicants on waiting list has been posted on Bulletin Board.  A current Dues and Fees Schedule and August Treasurer’s Report were distributed to membership.  Both Financial Secretary and Treasurer reports accepted by membership.

The Financial Secretary distributed a report listing seniority dates and lifetime membership dates for all current members.  At the September 2 meeting the Board voted to table any proposed amendment to Lifetime Membership By-Laws until a future time.

Assistant Dockmaster Len Asaro reported there are still two docks without name plate. (A fee of $25 will be assessed for missing name plate.) Dock Committee continues to desperately need volunteers to help with replacing dock boards on weekends. There is still room for applications for member winter boat storage.

Bar Chair Jim Gribben stated there is a significant cash shortage in the bar register for past week ending Labor Day.  This situation is very disturbing and disheartening.  He asks that members check the cash drawer while in the clubhouse and put the excess cash down below to help prevent further theft from occurring. The membership approved installing a camera surveillance system. Vince Graham will submit several proposals at the next Board meeting. Initial system is estimated at $500-$1000 and can be expanded at any time in future.  Vince will not charge Club for installation.

The Club received a suggestion to designate a specific smoking area outside off the porch. At present smoking is allowed on the entire back porch. This causes those on the porch who do not smoke to be subjected to second-hand smoke and offensive odors from cigars. Board will discuss at next meeting.

Dock Rental Chair Joy Vanucchi reported 9 docks rented in August for $1537. There are docks in September. If you would like to schedule your boat for a Coast Guard inspection or need additional information regarding Coast Guard services, please contact Joy at  (845) 249-7790.

Building Committee Chair Vicky Perzanowski reported there are continuing problems with drains and may need to install a strainer.  Please do not put liquid hand soap or lemon/lime rinds down drains. The ladies bathroom requires a new cabinet and faucet. Scott Mitro has offered to donate one if his company has the right size available .

Updated Associate Member work hours have been posted by Lenore Whitcomb. A lengthy discussion followed concerning Associate Member work hours and the fact many Associate Members do not put in the required hours. An Associate Member looking to complete hours can contact any Chairperson and ask for hours. It is also important that the Associate have a chairperson validate their work hours. All required work hours must be completed by December 31.  There were several suggestions on how to create opportunities for everyone to complete their work hours and duty days, and that better scheduling and organization by chairpersons could help.

Council Rep Bob LaBuff attended Poughkeepsie Yacht Club August meeting. The Council has several events planned for September/October. Check MH website for additional information.

Joy Zachelli’s meeting notes and files have been retrieved from her office and passed on to the current secretary.  Dale will review these notes in regard to several outstanding issues and report at the next Board meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.

Next Board Meeting: September 29, 2014

Next Membership Meeting October 2, 2014

Submitted by Dale Henderson
