Catskill Yacht Club Newsletter
Membership Meeting August 7, 2014
Board members in attendance: Len Asaro, Jim Gribben, Clark Henderson, Dale Henderson, Gary Vannuchi, Barbara Vriale, Joe Vriale, Leonore Whitcomb,
Commodore Gary Vannuchi opened meeting at 7:00pm with Pledge of Allegiance. A motion was passed to waive the reading of minutes from July 10 meeting. The minutes of August 4 Board meeting were read and approved. The membership elected Dale Henderson to fill the unexpired term of former Secretary Joy Zanchelli.
Financial Secretary Barbara Vriale reported deposits month of July totaled $1537. Treasurer Clark Henderson distributed July Treasurer’s Report. Both Financial Secretary and Treasurer reports were accepted by membership.
A discussion was held regarding Board’s proposed amendment to Club By-Laws which would eliminate the Life Membership category for new club members and grandfather any members who are currently “Life Members”. A motion was passed to table any further action on proposed amendment. The Financial Secretary will prepare a membership statistics report to be reviewed at the September Board meeting.
Suggestion box placed in Club during April was opened for first time by Vice Commodore Gribben before the meeting. Only two suggestions were in box and they were discussed with membership. Vice Commodore Gribben stated the lack of numerous suggestions is an indication the membership is pleased with the work the Board is doing. The box remains in the Clubhouse and will be opened occasionally before a Membership Meeting.
Associate Member Time Keeper Leonore Whitcomb will post a current list of associate members who have not completed their required hours. There are many Associate Members who have not completed their duty hours. Associate Members can contact Len Asario for duty hours, as there is plenty of remaining work to be done on the docks. An Associate Member may also obtain hours by cleaning clubhouse, as Robin Smith has done recently. No one has signed up for duty day in August.
Assistant Dock Master Len Asaro has purchased 50 wood planks to repair the docks. He will be purchasing a pallet of planks as the north docks need extensive work. He will also purchase 30 dock fence posts, which will eliminate problem of electrical wires falling into the water.
There are still 6-8 docks without a name plate. The Board will accept either a boat name or an individual name, or both. After August 31, a fee of $25 will be accessed for a missing name plate. George Pulver has donated name plate blanks for use by members.
Dock Rental Chair Joy Vanucchi reported that 10 docks were rented out in July for a total of $2160. There are docks available to rent in August. If you would like to schedule your boat for a Coast Guard inspection or would like any additional information regarding Coast Guard services, please contact Joy at (845) 249-7790.
Bar Chair Jim Gribben reported bar sales in July were fair. There is a charge for ice. Please remember to ring up and pay for your ice purchases. Repairs to ice machine are costly. A surge protector will be purchased and installed.
Grounds Chair George Pulver reported that the Club’s small mower is not running and would not be cost effective to replace. He will purchase a replacement mower during the week.
Gas Chair Joe Vriale reminded the membership to pay for gas purchases in cash or by local check.
The Commodore’s Ball is September 27 at Creekside Restaurant. Surf & Turf is on the menu. Price is $32.00 per person, tax and tip included. Please RSVP by 9/1/14 and make checks payable to Jim Gribben, POB 328, Round Top, NY 12473.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.
Next Board Meeting: September 2, 2014
Next Membership Meeting September 4, 2014
Submitted by Dale Henderson
In Memoriam
Joy Zanchelli
A smile for all, a heart of gold
The very best the world could hold
Those we love don’t go away
They walk beside us every day
No longer in our lives to share
But in our hearts
You’re always there
October 12, 1960 – June 1, 2014