Minutes 12-4-2014

Catskill Yacht Club, Inc.

Minutes Membership Meeting December 4, 2014

Board members in attendance:  Len Asaro, Jim Gribben, Clark Henderson, Dale Henderson, Tony Perzanowski, Len Rein, Gary Vanucchi, Barbara Vriale, Joe Vriale, Lenore Whitcomb, Bud Whitcomb

Commodore Gary Vanucchi opened meeting 7:00pm with Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes Board Meeting December 1 and Minutes Membership Meeting November 6 were approved by membership.

Financial Secretary Barbara Vriale reported November receipts of  $950.40. Bills for dockage have been sent out and are due December 15. Both Treasurer Report and Financial Secretary Report were approved by membership.

Commodore Vanucchi stated this would be his last meeting as Commodore and thanked everyone for their support during 2014.  It was a pleasure to serve.

Bar Chair Gribben reported bar was short again in November. Members are reminded to please put extra cash down below.

Gas Chair Joe Vriale reported that the gas pumps are out for the winter

Dockmaster Bud Whitcomb stated this would be his last meeting as Dockmaster and he thanked his committee for their dedication and the membership for their support. The pressure washer requires a new pump, which is under warranty.

The proposed Dock Rules for 2015 and a paper ballot for voting on each change was distributed to the membership. The votes were tallied by Bud and Lenore Whitcomb and Joseph Vriale. The results were posted on the bulletin board. Each of the 22 proposed changes were approved by a majority vote of the membership.

Candidates posted for election at the December 4 Membership Meeting were presented to the membership.

Commodore:                        James Gribben

Darryl Legg was nominated from the floor and added to the ballot

Vice Commodore:   Len Rein

No nominations from floor – Secretary cast one ballot

Financial Secretary:            Barbara Vriale

No nominations from floor – Secretary cast one ballot

Treasurer:                Clark Henderson

No nominations from floor – Secretary cast one ballot

Dockmaster:             Len Asaro

No nominations from floor – Secretary cast one ballot

Secretary:                  Dale Henderson

No nominations from floor – Secretary cast one ballot


Board Member:       Joe Vriale (re-election)

4 Open Board seats

Vicky Perzanowski, John Smith, Uwe Hestnar, Clifford Bertrand, Dennis Callahan, Peter Baskiewicz and Kenneth Klingerman were nominated from the floor and added to the ballot.

Candidates John Smith, Vicky Perzanowski, Ken Klingerman and Darryl Legg addressed the membership outlining their qualifications to be considered.

The ballots, with addition of the floor nominations were distributed to the membership for voting. Members were voting for Commodore and four Board seats. Members Kathy Becker, John Ferguson, and William Carr counted the ballots. The results were announced to membership by Commodore Vanucchi.

Commodore:              Darryl Legg

Open Board Seats:    Dennis Callahan, Vicky Perzanowski, Uwe Hestnar, John Smith

2015 Board of Directors to be installed January meeting:

Commodore:                                      Darryl Legg

Vice Commodore:                              Len Rein

Financial Secretary                           Barbara Vriale

Treasurer:                                          Clark Henderson

Dockmaster:                                       Len Asaro

Secretary:                                           Dale Henderson


Board Members:

Dennis Callahan

Uwe Hestnar

Tony Perzanowski

Vicky Perzanowski

John Smith

Gary Vanucchi, Past Commodore

Meeting adjourned 8:30pm.

Submitted by Dale Henderson
