The February membership meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Commodore Gary Vanucchi.
Commodore Vanucchi introduced Stan Morby, husband of Larissa Morby, who is applying for full Membership. He appeared before the Board Monday night and was informed of all the rules and regulations, most of which he already knew. He was approved by the Board Members present at the meeting. Joe Vriale made a motion to approve Stan for Membership; Bob LaBuff seconded, and carried. Congratulations Stan, the Club is pleased to have you as a member!
Financial Secretary, Barbara Vriale read a resignation letter from Dennis Angle, full member. Russ Coloton made a motion to approve Dennis’ resignation in good standing, Bob LaBuff seconded, and carried. To date we have deposited $5,900 for Membership dues. One full member was sent a late notice for unpaid membership dues. To date we have deposited $4,025 for Associate Member dues. Three Associate Members were sent late notices for unpaid Associate Membership Dues. Dock Applications were mailed out and to date we have deposited $2,295. Remember when mailing in your Dock Application you need to send in a copy of your boat registration or Coast Guard Documentation. Russ Coloton made a motion to approve the Financial Secretary’s report; Kenny Kligerman seconded, and carried.
Treasurer, Clark Henderson was not in attendance for this meeting. He prepared a detailed financial report which he presented to the Board at Monday’s informal meeting. Barbara Vriale made a motion to accept Clark’s report, which was seconded by Joe Vriale and carried.
Dockmaster, Bud Whitcomb reported Move-Up Day will be March 8, 2014 at 12:00 PM. Bud is putting together a dock work schedule and should have it at the March meeting. At the December meeting a committee was formed to study a proposal to extend the south mains and spread the fingers apart. The committee decided not to recommend the changes; it would be positive to have the room for larger boats, however, it would limit clearance for launching boats and the fingers would have to be relocated away from the ends of the mains, a weaker position. The committee also discussed the need to repair the bulkhead where the south ramp and the underwater bridge attach. Bud wishes to thank all the members of the committee for their participation. Bud and Gary took the wheels off the Lull and the Pettibone and brought them to VanKleeks. Two of the Lull rims were rusted and unfit for use. New rims were $850. Bud was able to secure two good used rims for $600. The rims are being shipped to VanKleeks and the owner has assured Bud that the tires will be taken care of and job should be completed by next week. Bud ordered four new slings for lifting docks. We presently have one. Bud is looking for a volunteer to change the oil, filters, grease, etc. in both machines. Please contact Bud if you are interested. You will receive dock hours for your time.
Vice Commodore, Jim Gribben reported the following important dates: Ways and Means – March 22, 2014 at 12:00 PM. Audit – April 5, 2014 at 12:00 PM.Commodore, Gary Vanucchi thanked Barbara Vriale for doing the Secretary and Financial Secretary work while Joy is recuperating.
Committee Reports: Bar Chairman – Jim Gribben reported the bar is slow. He also asked that everyone please remember to clean up after yourself.
Building Committee Chairperson – Vicky was not in attendance for this meeting but prepared a report which Jim Gribben presented. Vicky would like to thank all the members who did their Duty Day last year, on and off season. She will be putting up a board in the kitchen for people to post any supplies that need to be ordered. Vicky asked for someone to put two vents in the kitchen door. Sue Gardner and Foster Ribsamen agreed to take on the task. Way to step up guys!!!! Jim asked about an approximate time to wax the floors and the members came up with May when the docks are in and there wouldn’t be too much mud being tracked inside.
Grounds Committee Chairman – George Pulver had nothing to report at this time. Gas Chairman – Joe Vriale had nothing to report at this time. Dock Rental Chairman – Joy is accepting dock applications, please contact her at 845-249-7790.
Newsletter – Barbara Vriale standing in for Joy Zanchelli. If you have any questions, or concerns, please feel free to contact Barbara at 518-622-2808. Thank you for your patience during this interim period.
Website – Vince Graham – To visit the website go to You can contact Vince at 518-291-9220 or email him at
Council – Bob LaBuff reported we will be hosting the Council dinner on March 4, 2014, Cocktails from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM, Dinner from 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM, Meeting at 8:00 PM. Bob and Sue are looking for volunteers to work; kitchen help and servers. They are also looking for people to make desserts. Please contact Bob and Sue at 518-312-1278 (Bob) or 518-527-3733 (Sue). Let’s make the Club shine!!!!!
Special Events: March 29th and 30th – Bud and Lenore Whitcomb will be hosting, “Thank God It’s Spring” at the Winter Clove Inn. The party consists of overnight stay, dinner, cash bar, heated pool, karaoke, and breakfast on Sunday morning. Bowling is on the premises for $4 per game and includes shoe rental. The cost is $65 per person and must be paid by March 6, 2014. Bud and Lenore are giving $25 of the $65 back to the Club!!! Please see attached flier and make your reservation!!!
Joe Vriale will be hosting the annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner March 15, 2014, Appetizers at 4:00 PM and Dinner at 6:00 PM. Price is $20 per person. See flier for more information.
A motion by Joe Vriale to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 PM was seconded by Bob LaBuff and carried.
Next Board Meeting is Monday, March 3, 2014 at 7:00 PM Next Regular Meeting is March 6, 2014 at 7:00 PM
Attention Members: If you have any concerns or issues, please call any of the following members:
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara A. Vriale
Barbara A. Vriale Financial Secretary
Commodore & Council Gary Vanucchi 845-249-7795
Vice Commodore & Bar Chairman Jim Gribben 518-622-2336
Dockmaster Bud Whitcomb 518-622-8747
Assistant Dockmaster Vincent Wallace 518-851-7263
Assistant Dockmaster Leonard Asaro 518-821-0857
Financial Secretary Barbara Vriale 518-622-2808
Treasurer Clark Henderson 914-388-1095
Secretary & Newsletter Joy Zanchelli 518-537-5803
Building Committee Chairperson Vicky Perzanowski 518-622-9777
Grounds Committee Chairman George Pulver 518-929-4561
Gas Chairman Joe Vriale 518-622-2808
Dock Rental Chairperson Joy Vanucchi 845-249-7790
Associate Member Timekeeper Lenore Whitcomb 518-622-8747