A March membership meeting was called to order @ 7:00 p.m. by Commodore Gary Vanucchi.
Commodore Gary Vanucchi asked the membership to stay standing after the pledge of allegiance, for a moment of silence for associate member Barbara Walter who passed away. Jim Gribben asked the membership to also say a prayer for Uwe Hestnar, who is going through a tough time.
Commodore Gary Vanucchi reported that on 3/7/2013, at 6:15 P.M., the board interviewed Ray Kennedy for associate membership. His sponsors are Robert LaBuff and Jim Gribben. The board went over all the rules for associate membership. After discussion, Joe Vriale made a motion to recommend Ray Kennedy for associate membership to the regular membership. Barbara Vriale seconded and carried. The board recommends Ray Kennedy to the regular membership for associate membership.
Ray Kennedy introduced himself at the regular membership meeting and after discussion Bill Fortman made a motion to accept Ray Kennedy for associate membership. Daryl Legg seconded and carried.
A motion by Daryl Legg to waive the reading of the previous meeting was seconded by Joe Vriale and carried. The Board minutes were read and approved by Edward Legg, seconded by Cliff Bertrand and carried.
Financial Secretary – Barbara Vriale reported the deposits for the month of February, {$5,099.06} All membership and associate membership dues have been paid in full. Dock dues are paid in full. At next month`s board meeting we will be interviewing another proposed associate member. MEMBERS: PLEASE REMEMBER TO CHECK YOUR INSURANCE POLICIES AND KEEP IN MIND THAT YOU NEED TO SEND THEM TO BARBARA WHEN THEY COME DUE. A motion by Daryl Legg to approve the Financial Secretary`s report was seconded by Joy Zanchelli
Treasurer-A detailed financial report prepared by Clark Henderson on 03/04/13 was reviewed and approved on 03/07/13 with a motion to accept Clark Henderson’s financial report by Joe Vriale, seconded by Cliff Bertrand and carried.
Dock master- Bud Whitcomb reported him and Gary Vanucchi, Vince Wallace, and Lenny Asaro looked over and surveyed the docks to see what is needed to be done to get them in shape for this year. Vince Wallace made a detailed report on them, how many did not have cradles and he took an inventory of all the corner brackets, pins, etc., that we have in the shed. If anyone is interested in taking the wood enclosure that was around the oil tank, please take it. MOVE UP DAY WILL BE ON MARCH 9th, 2013 AT TWELVE NOON. Weather permitting on Saturday March 16th, 2013 Dock work will start. Sign- up sheets are on the table. If anyone would like to work during the week, pressure washing the docks, call Cliff Bertrand or Bud Whitcomb. Phone numbers are posted in the glass cabinet in clubhouse and in the newsletter. Bud estimated the cost to make a loft in the storage shed would be about $400.00 dollars. Vince made a detailed drawing of how to build it. Vince`s estimated cost is about $800.00 dollars for the loft. Bud has material to donate for the loft project that would bring down that cost.
Vice Commodore- Jim Gribben reported the duty day schedules are in the glass cabinet made by George Pulver. There are off season duty schedules also, where you would do two hours per week for a month. At the next board meeting Ed Legg will discuss season duty days in a little more detail. MEMBERS- PLEASE SIGN UP FOR DUTY DAY!
Commodore- Gary Vanucchi thanked Vincent Graham for donating the stereo equipment and hooking up the system in the clubhouse. It sounds great.
Commodore Gary Vanucchi reported at the Ways and Means, the Board recommended that we have an assessment of one hundred dollars for a single member and one hundred and fifty dollars for a couple. At the regular membership meeting on 02/07/2013, it was discussed and Bill Fortman made a motion that we accept the board`s proposal and Lenore Whitcomb seconded and carried. This was put in the 02/07/2013 newsletter, to be brought up to the general membership for a vote on 03/07/2013. After discussion, Daryl Legg made a motion that we do not have an assessment at this time. Barbara Vriale seconded. There was a written ballot vote, twelve/ ten; there will be no assessment at this time.
Joe and Barbara Vriale will be having a St. Patrick`s Day Buffet For Members, Associate Members, Family and Friends on Saturday, March 16th, 2013.Appetizers at 5:00 p.m., Buffet at 7:00 p.m. , Menu includes: Corned Beef, Boiled Potatoes, Cabbage, Irish Soda Bread/ Rye Bread, Dessert and coffee Service At 8:30 p.m., Party Until??? Traditional Irish music, Irish drink specials, and 50/50 Raffle, $17.00 dollars per person. Please R.S.V.P. Joe and Barbara @ 518-622-2808 by MARCH 8th, 2013, {Non- Refundable after March 8, 2013} ALL R.S.V.P. `S ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT. GUESTS WITHOUT RESERVATIONS WILL BE SERVED IF THERE IS FOOD AVAILABLE. IF ANY MEMBER WOULD LIKE TO VOLENTEER TO COLLECT THE MONEY AT THE DOOR AND RAFFLE TICKET MONEY, {YOU WOULD RECEIVE A FREE DINNER}, CONTACT JOE.
Committee Reports:
Bar- Jim Gribben reported he took his inventory on Monday 03/04/2013,before the board meeting, and there was over half of a bottle of liquor gone with only twelve dollars rung up on the cash register and the cash register was short seven dollars. MEMBERS: PLEASE KEEP AN EYE ON EACH OTHER AND WATCH THAT NO ONE IS MAKING LARGER DRINKS THAN ALLOWED AND EVERYONE IS USING THE CASH REGISTER CORRECTLY. At the board meeting 03/04/13, there was discussion and two separate motions to raise the bar prices, twenty five cents and fifty cents across the bar. Both of these motions were voted down. Liquor prices have gone up considerably.
Building Committee Chairman- no report
Grounds Committee Chairman – John Ferguson reported that if any member or associate member is interested in doing weed whacking or lawn care, please contact him. Bill Fortman reminded John to get someone to look at the power on the fence; John will get someone to check it out.
Gas Chairman- no report
Work Chairman- Cliff Bertrand announced if any is asked to work, please contact Cliff to let him know the hours you worked. Also the chairman is to contact Cliff first to let him know how many people he needs for a job and who the people are and the number of hours they are needed.
Newsletter- If any member has any comments about the news letter, or anything to add to the newsletter, please come to the meeting and express your view, or you can reach me at 518-965-3034. To visit our website go to- www.catskillyachtclub.com or contact Vince Graham at 518-291-92206 or e-mail him at vince@catskillyachtclub.com.
Council- Robert LaBuff reported the next council meeting will be held on March 19th, and Gary Vanucchi will be attending with him.
Dock Rental Chairman-Joy Vanucchi reported she has a couple people that are signed up to rent docks so far. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE ON A MONTHLY BASIS. If you would like to rent a dock, please contact Joy Vanucchi at 518-943-0840.
New Business- Commodore Gary Vanucchi reported that at the board meeting on 03/04/2013, the board recommended to the membership that when anyone rents the club for an event, they should be buying the soda and water from the club, not bringing it in. After discussion, Jim Gribben made a motion to accept the board`s recommendation, Barbara Vriale seconded and carried.
Robert LaBuff reported the FLARE UP will be held at the Dutchman`s Landing on May 19th, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. . The Coast Guard will be there demonstrating how to put out fires with fire extinguishers and how to use flares, etc… Bob asked if any member has any out of date flares to donate, please contact him.
2. VICE COMMODORE- Jim Gribben- 518-622-2336
3. DOCK MASTER- Edward Whitcomb- 518-622-8747
4. ASSISTANT DOCK MASTERS- Vincent Wallace- 518-851-7263 OR Leonard Asaro- 518-821-0857
5. FINANCIAL SECRETARY- Barbara Vriale- 518-622-2808
6. TREASURER- Clark Henderson- 914-388-1095
7. SECRETARY- Joy Zanchelli- 518-537-5803
8. BUILDING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN- Vicky Perzanowski- 518-622-9777
9. GROUNDS COMMIITTEE CHAIRMAN- John Ferguson- 518-589-0142
10. GAS CHAIRMAN- Joe Vriale- 518-622-2808
11. BAR CHAIRMAN- Jim Gribben- 518-622-2336
12. COUNCIL- Gary Vanucchi- 518-943-0840 OR Robert LaBuff- 518-943-9552
13. WORK CHAIRMAN- Clifford or Sherry Bertrand- 518-589-6936
14. DOCK RENTAL CHAIRMAN- Joy Vanucchi- 518-943-0840
NEXT BOARD MEETING IS MONDAY, April 1st, 2013 @ 7:00 p.m.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING IS THURSDAY, April 4th, 2013 @ 7:00 p.m.
A motion by Joe Vriale to adjourn the meeting @7:46 p.m. was seconded by Ken Klingerman.