Catskill Yacht Club Newsletter
Membership Meeting July 3, 2014
Board members in attendance: Len Asaro, Jim Gribben, Clark Henderson, Barbara Vriale, Joe Vriale,Bud Whitcomb, Leonore Whitcomb
Vice Commodore Jim Gribben opened the meeting at 7:00pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. A motion was passed to waive the reading of the minutes from the June 5 meeting. The minutes of the June 30 Board minutes were read by Dale Henderson and approved. A motion was passed by the Board and the Membership to appoint Dale Henderson to fill the unexpired term of former Secretary Joy Zanchelli. In compliance with the Club’s By-Laws, this appointment is posted and election by membership will be at August 7 Membership Meeting.
Financial Secretary Barbara Vriale reported deposits for month of June totaled $1136.50. A check was been received from the associate member who was delinquent paying dock rental fees. Proceeds from the garage sale were $428. Barbara has copied the 2012 Secretary’s notes on flash drive and is working on 2013. Bills rendered for the month of June are due on July 31st. The Financial Secretary’s report was accepted by the membership.
Treasurer Clark Henderson distributed the June Treasurer’s Report, which was accepted by the membership.
Vice Commodore and Bar Manager Jim Gribben thanked Tony Perzanowski and Lee Ramsdell for hosting their Renaming Ceremony and Party at the Club. He also thanked Barbara and Joe Vriale for bartending at the party. They did an excellent job and helped make the event very successful. The register ring was $1300. Jim requested that members do not throw empty liquor bottles in trash. Please leave empties bottles in bar area for reordering. There are very few members signed up for duty day in July and August. The current fee for not working on Duty Day is $150. The Board has voted to increase this fee to $200 in 2015. A motion was made and passed by the membership to increase the fee to $200 in 2015.
A discussion followed regarding the Life Membership dues category, with suggestions to eliminate this membership category in the future as it adversely affects manpower and income. Current Life members would be grandfathered into the program. The Board will discuss this issue at a future Board meeting.
Dockmaster Bud Whitcomb reported that John Decker was able to fix the problems with the Lull and also repair the pump-out station. Thank you John. Bud is currently working with Cory Fong staining the docks. Members with docks are requested to keep their own power lines neat and refrain from touching or moving power lines belonging to other member’s boat. There is work still to be done to straighten out many of these lines, and to keep them from falling into the water. There are still some remaining docks without name plates.
Associate Member Time Keeper Leonore Whitcomb will be reposting an associate member list of those who have not completed the required 6 work hours. Three Associate Members have been billed for not completing required hours. She has explained the rules for work hours to several Associates who did not fully understand the rules. She would like the Club to discuss setting up an account to fund flood insurance future increases and requested that Keith Valentine attend the August meeting
Assistant Dockmaster Len Asaro reported that the old electrical components remaining after the dock project have been disposed of. The garage needs a thorough cleaning and Len is hoping for volunteers to help with this. There is also some remaining work to be done on docks.
Gas Committee Chair Joe Vriale reported the Club’s price for buying gas will be increasing. Depending upon the increase, it may affect the price to the membership. If there is an increase to membership it will probably be small, as the Club does not want to make a profit selling gas and the program is operated at a break-even.
Barbara Vriale reported for Dock Rental Chair Joy Vanucchi that 5 docks were rented out in June for a total of $1080. There are no docks available to rent in July. Joy will be hosting “Exercise on the Lawn” at the Club on July 15th at 12:30pm. Lunch will be served. Members interested in attending, please contact Joy at (845) 249-7790.
As a follow-up to the US Coast Guard visit on June 5th, Coast Guard Auxiliary will perform a safety inspection of your boat. If you would like to schedule an inspection or would like any additional information regarding Coast Guard services, please contact Joy Vanucchi at (845) 249-7790.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.
Next Board Meeting: August 4, 2014
Next Membership Meeting August 7, 2014
Submitted by Dale Henderson
Secretary Elect