An April membership meeting was called to order @ 7:00 p.m. by Vice Commodore Jim Gribben.
Scott Mitro came to the Board meeting on 3/31/2014 to introduced himself to the Board for associate membership. His sponsors are Russ and Pam Coloton . All the rules were gone over to him and he was given the rules for associate membership. After discussion Jim Gribben made a motion to accept Scott Mitro for associate membership. Joy Zanchelli seconded and carried. At the regular membership meeting, Scott introduced himself to the regular membership and after discussion Joe Vriale made a motion to accept Scott Mitro for associate membership, Joy Zanchelli seconded and carried.
Scott L. Llrsprung introduced himself to the Board on 3/3/14, at 6:30 and all the rules were gone over to him for associate membership. His sponsors are Bill Fortman and Joe Vriale. After discussion , Joe Vriale made a motion to accept Scott L. Llrsprung for associate membership. Jim Gribben seconded and carried. He later introduced himself to membership and Joe Vriale made a motion to accept, Jim Gribben seconded and carried.
Rob Wagner came in for full probationary membership, he was told he had to do six meetings and work six hours, and the after the six meetings and hours done the regular membership can vote him in for full membership. After discussion at the regular membership meeting, John Decker made a motion to accept Rob Wagner for full probationary member. Karen Decker seconded and carried.
A motion by Barbara Vriale to waive the reading of the previous meeting was seconded by Ken Kligerman and carried. The Board minutes were read with one correction {28 ft} and approved by Barbara Vriale, seconded by Clark Henderson and carried.
Financial Secretary – Barbara Vriale reported the deposits for the month of March, {$7,192.75}. Anthony Tambini is late with his payment, so Barbara Vriale will send him his check back so he can reapply. After the meeting , members please come up to pick up your copy of the By-Laws, and please sign for them. Joy Zanchelli made a motion to accept Barbara Vriale`s financial report, Joe Vriale seconded and carried.
Treasurer- Clark Henderson went over a detailed financial report and a 2014 CYC Budget Report. After discussion Barbara Vriale made a motion to accept Clark`s financial reports, Joy Zanchelli seconded and carried.
Dock master- Gary Vanucchi reported for Bud Whitcomb that there will be dock work this weekend . Saturday and Sunday, Starts at 8:00 am. After discussion about what the committee came up with about the safety of our docks. John Decker and John Smith went over it. There was discussion about it and there will be another meeting on it Sunday {3/ 6/14}, at noon. It will be posted on Bulletin Board and voted on at the next meeting. Daryl Legg made a motion that there will be no changing of anyone`s boat size before we get this settled. Joe Vriale seconded and carried.
Commodore- Gary Vanucchi thanked Bud and Lenore for the party at their resort. Everyone had a good time, But Commodore Vanucchi made a motion for them to keep the money they were going to donate back to the club, Jim Gribben seconded and carried. He also thanked Joe and Barbara for putting on the St. Patrick`s Day Dinner. Everything was great.
Vice Commodore- Jim Gribben thanked George Pulver for making the Suggestion box. He also thanked everyone on their well wishes to Barbara and her Mom.
Committee Reports:
Bar- Jim Gribben spoke to Wayne Nelson and he said there is a new Health inspector, a lady who goes by the book, so Jim asked members to please clean up after themselves if they have a party or see anything laying around the clubhouse/ bar area.
Building Committee Chairman- Thanked Jason Borgen for cleaning the clubhouse up. Thanked Joe Vriale for cooking and he had the place spotless.
Grounds Committee Chairman –George Pulver- no report
Gas Chairman- Joe Vriale reported they will be purchasing some new hoses.
Dock Rental Chairman- Joy Vanucchi is accepting applications for dock rentals{ for fishing} You can reach her at 1-845-249-7790 . Rent by the month, after the first month, it is month it is first come first serve, after that it is by sonority.
Newswsletter- If any member has any comments about the news letter, or anything to add to the newsletter, please come to the meeting and express your view, or you can reach me at 518-965-3034. To visit our website go to- or contact Vince Graham at 518-291-9220 or e-mail him at THANK YOU VINCE FOR UPDATING OUR WEBSITE. FOR ANYONE THAT WOULD LIKE TO GO TO OUR WEBSITE- USERNAME-MEMBER/ PASSWORD-ANCHOR.
Council- Bob LaBuff – no report.
Pam and Russ Colton will be serving lunches at the Catskill Yacht Club on Saturdays, which will be posted on the Website. Please check the Website for updates.
There will be a Catered Chicken B.B.Q. for Tony Perzanowski and Lee Ramsdell`s , each of them, Changing their new boat name. ALL MEMBERS ARE INVITED> MORE DETAILS TO FOLLOW WITH FLIER. PLEASE CHECK THE WEBSITE FOR UPDATES. CALL TONY at 622- 9777.
Joy Vanucchi would like to rent the clubhouse on May 17th, 2014 for the Library Party, Covered Dish. Please contact Joy Vanucchi at 1-845-249-7790. Tony Perzanowski made a motion to let Joy Vanucchi rent the clubhouse, Clark Henderson seconded and carried.
Tony Perzanowski would like to rent the clubhouse on April 12th, 2014 for a Birthday Party. He will be tending bar. Jim Gribben made a motion to let Tony Perzanowski rent the clubhouse for April 12th, 2014, Clark Henderson seconded and carried.
New Business- Bill Fortman opened up the floor for bringing in the Probationary Full Members. George Pulver did his six meetings and was present. The Board recommends him for full membership. Clark Henderson made a motion to accept George Pulver for full membership Gary Vanucchi seconded and carried. Pete Baskieweicz did his six meetings for full membership and was present. The Board recommends him for full membership. Tony Perzanowski made motion to accept Pete Baskieweicz for full membership. Gary Vanucchi seconded and carried. We can vote on Jason Borgen at the next meeting if he is present.
- 1. COMMODORE- GARY VANUCCHI- 1-845-249-7795
- 2. VICE COMMODORE- Jim Gribben- 518-622-2336
- 3. DOCK MASTER- Edward Whitcomb- 518-622-8747
- 4. ASSISTANT DOCK MASTERS- Vincent Wallace- 518-851-7263 OR Leonard Asaro- 518-821-0857
- 5. FINANCIAL SECRETARY- Barbara Vriale- 518-622-2808
- 6. TREASURER- Clark Henderson- 914-388-1095
- 7. SECRETARY- Joy Zanchelli- 518-537-5803
- 8. BUILDING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN- Vicky Perzanowski- 518-622-9777
- 9. GROUNDS COMMIITTEE CHAIRMAN- George Pulver- 518-929-4561-
- 10. GAS CHAIRMAN- Joe Vriale- 518-622-2808
- 11. BAR CHAIRMAN- Jim Gribben- 518-622-2336
- 12. COUNCIL- Gary Vanucchi- 518-943-0840 OR Robert LaBuff- 518-943-9552
13.DOCK RENTAL CHAIRMAN- Joy Vanucchi- 1-845-249-7790
Congratulations Ray McNeany for winning the $75.00 raffle!
NEXT BOARD MEETING IS MONDAY, April 28th, 2014 @ 6:30 p.m.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING IS THURSDAY, May1st, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m.