Catskill Yacht Club, Inc.
Minutes Membership Meeting October 2, 2014
Board members in attendance: Len Asaro, Jim Gribben, Clark Henderson, Dale Henderson, Tony Perzanowski, Len Rein, Gary Vanucchi, Barbara Vriale, Joe Vriale, Lenore Whitcomb, Bud Whitcomb
Commodore Gary Vanucchi opened meeting 7:00pm with Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes Board Meeting September 29 and Membership Meeting September 4 were read by Secretary and approved. Minutes September 4 meeting will be amended to include: “Members discussed pros/cons of requiring members with docks to submit copy of boat registration, and whether this requirement was approved by the Membership.” Minutes of future Membership Meetings will be approved by the Board and read at the next Membership Meeting. Board will look into using a microphone and recorder for Membership Meetings involving votes.
Proposal by Security Design Services was reviewed. Motion passed to start with two cameras in bar area. Board will develop rules and regulations and standard operating procedures for security system and offenders. A discussion followed with concerns about security of property including bathrooms, unlocked doors, key fob dysfunction. Motion passed to add a hallway camera to the system, for total 3 cameras. Vice Commodore Gribben stressed how important it is for membership to put excess register cash down below and make sure everything is locked before leaving property.
Financial Secretary Barbara Vriale reported September receipts of $1109. Two bills were sent out for missing nameplates. Treasurer Clark Henderson distributed Financial Report for September. Both reports accepted by membership.
Dockmaster Bud Whitcomb reported water and cable will be turned off October 14-16. Docks and gas pumps out on November 8. Dockmaster will resubmit to the Board recommended changes to the By-Laws and Dock Rules for 2014 and 2015 to be approved at December meeting and effective January 2015. This is necessary as the January 2014 minutes were unclear as to what proposed by-laws and dock rules were approved/not approved by the membership.
Board thanked Club’s Associate Members for their participation in membership meetings and club activities. Six Associate Members attended Commodore’s Party.
Thank you to Vice Commodore Gribben for planning a very successful event.
House Committee reported new vanity top may be required for ladies bathroom. Motion passed to approve the expenditure of about $100 if necessary. Electrical wires on the clubhouse roof need to be straightened up and the House Committee needs a volunteer for this project. Several signs will be posted on the patio requesting smokers to be courteous and considerate of non-smokers. Photographs will be taken of all of the valuable items stored in the shed for insurance purposes.
Joy Vanucchi reported 7 dock rentals in September totaling $1107, with $207 outstanding.
Lenore Whitcomb reported there are 9 Associate Members who have not done any duty time. There are 7 Associates who have completed half their duty time.
New Member Candidate Pat Asaro was introduced to the membership and was unanimously elected for membership.
A member reported that on several occasions they were unable to reclaim their dock after returning from a vacation trip, as dock had been rented in their absence. The membership decided it would be a good idea to have a book to record the dates members will be departing and returning from a trip to enable their dock to be rented while they are absent.
John Decker would like to redesign one of the shed doors and will form a committee to look into this.
Meeting adjourned 8:30pm.
Submitted by Dale Henderson